Thanks for stopping by! I am the guest blogger over at Blogging from A to Z. I am really excited to be there, as this is the challenge that really got me going in the blog world. So take a look!
And if you've made your way here from there, THANKS! Tomorrow I am launching a contest to help get Christmas shopping underway, so feel free to follow me and check back then.
Otherwise, please feel free to check out my short story "Listening In" which is available free on Smashwords.
An ode to the frenetic and the fantastic! Welcome to a place for the musings of a writer, traveler, foodie, crafter, party planner, and film fanatic. I always seem to have a million projects going on, but most recently I've been focused on a biggie: learning to be a mom. Learn all about #shaunasmadeupstuff I don't promise wisdom or wit, but enjoy sharing the things that I am passionate about with the world.
Thank you for your guest post at the A to Z Blog.
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