Thursday, April 10, 2014

A to Z Challenge... Oh my, I skipped "H"

As I was visiting blogs this morning, I noticed that I seem to be a day ahead. Somehow, I managed to skip the H post.

And so my frantic morning became even more frantic with trying to come up with a great H character... and suddenly, I realized it was much easier than I was making it.

H is for... Han Solo

Yes, I am a Star Wars nerd. And while Han Solo is not actually my favorite Star Wars character (that's a toss up between Yoda and Darth Vadar), he is one of my all time favorite characters despite.

Han Solo taught me, and many other women born in the 80's I would assume, that the bad boy can truly have a heart of gold. Witty and irreverent, Solo is also loyal and protective. He is truly worthy of a spot on the favorite character list.


  1. Yessss. <3 "I love you." "I know."

  2. Hi there, Han Solo fan. :-) I adored Luke Skywalker when I saw the old film. My nephew, though, is a solid Star Wars fan.

    Thanks for the blog visit, by the way. New follower here. And no prob for missing the H.
