Friday, December 27, 2013

Wrapping up the year, part 1

Thanks to everyone who took advantage of my birthday giveaway yesterday and downloaded Max and Menna. If you missed it, good news-- the free promotion goes through today, so there is still time to snatch it up for that new Kindle.

I've spent a lot of time this month  talking about books and authors I love. For the rest of the year, I am going to talk a bit about me. on January 1, 2013, I posted on my 2013 resolutions and then promptly forgot about it, as is my custom with resolutions. However, while digging through some old posts yesterday, I revisited this one and was rather surprised to discover that I actually did an OK job on meeting my goals. Thus, I want to talk a little bit about successes and failures, and share some links for the things that helped me along the way.

Resolution Review:
  1. Make great yeast bread. SUCCESS! Well, I made good yeast bread. Given my recently discovered milk allergy/intolerance/whatever-its-called, I went with Almond Milk bread. I used this recipe as a basis, but then went all health nut and used whole wheat flour. It went very well with my new favorite beef stew recipe
  2. Actually crochet an adult sized blanket. SUCCESS! I underestimated myself... I made FIVE. These are my two favorites. I am now that much closer to becoming the crazy crochet lady. YES!
 Another Thing I Am Proud Of:

On of the things I am worst at is letting myself be proud of my accomplishments. It's something I want to be better at next year. And so, in addition to celebrating the goals I met, I also want to celebrate the other good stuff.

So another thing I am proud of from this year... I became a community college teacher. This was something I just wanted to try, but have found myself loving. I don't ever see myself becoming the inspiration for the next Dead Poet's Society or anything, but I have learned a lot and love working with my students.

Stay tuned for more of my self-indulgent blogging :)

1 comment:

  1. I love that blue crocheted blanket! I fully support going for crazy crochet lady status! *grin*
