Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Travel Tuesdays- The Best Advertisement in Phoenix

Being that one of the greatest benefits of traveling (which I do as part of my job A LOT) is getting to see random things and collect stories from all over. And so, henceforth, I am dedicating 2-3 Tuesdays a month to sharing some of my favorite restaurants, spots, photos, and stories from all over these United States (and hopefully, someday, the world...).

One of my favorite things about going all over are the random things you see in different cities throughout the US, like this, a sign I saw on a street corner in a dodgy part of Phoenix last month:

 Yes, funny on many levels. But look, really look, at said Baby Daddy. Priceless entertainment, and one of my favorite Phoenix moments.


  1. Such a nice post because this is more helpful for Volunteer Travel.

  2. I can't wait to see what else you come up with. These entertaining shots are always the best. :)

  3. What an amusing ad. Neat that you get to travel around so much. I look forward to reading of your travels.

    PS I have to follow using Twitter. Google follow won't log me in for some reason. Siigh.

  4. Love those "stop you in your tracks" signs. They are fabulous.

    Congrats on being an A to Z survivor! Fun wasn't it?

  5. Excellent article. Very interesting to read. I really love to read such a nice article. Thanks! keep rocking. ํ† ํ† ๋จนํŠ€
